Networking and Collaboration
NADCA offers an array of different meetings and educational opportunities throughout its coverage areas, but its Chapters are able to provide those services in a much more frequent and local manner. Through meetings, facility tours, informative presentations, golfing events and more, NADCA Chapters provide the opportunity to develop expertise and network with die casting facilities, buyers of die castings and those that supply products to the industry. Becoming active in a local chapter is the best way to meet and build relationships with industry peers.
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NADCA’s operations, standards and research emphasis are all shaped and influenced by its committees. The committees draw people from different organizations who combine their expertise to lead and influence NADCA’s direction. Committee members must be NADCA members in good standing. Committees include: Board of Governors; Chapter Board Selection; Finance, Awards; Government Affairs; Education; Laine Scholarship; Marketing; Research & Development; Additive Manufacturing; Computer Modeling; Product Standards; Die Materials; and Harvill Board. For more information on joining a NADCA committee, please email:
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Conferences and Workshops
NADCA conferences, seminars and workshops provide the opportunity to learn about significant issues in the die casting industry and network with peers. During annual conferences, top management has the opportunity to discuss pertinent issues with peers at the annual Executive Conference and Plant Management Conference. These conferences provide discussion forums for personnel in specialized areas. NADCA also offers periodic workshops, seminars and regional group/chapter meetings. Bi-annually NADCA holds a Marketing Conference and an International Delegation. The Marketing Conference provides a unique experience for those who are continually looking for ways to strategize how to market die castings and companies that create die cast parts. The International Delegation provides tours of die casting facilities and the ability to view and learn about new and emerging technologies. The program is open to those interested in traveling with a small group of peers to locations such as Germany, Italy and Japan.
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Internship Program
Take advantage of the David Laine Internship Program which provides access and information to members who wish to support young engineers that may be interested in learning about the die casting industry. NADCA Members are provided with contact information for engineering students that are graduating and/or looking for summer intern work or co-ops. NADCA also offers scholarships to students who have worked in die casting facilities, in the hopes that the combined benefit of work and award will encourage them to return to the industry upon graduation.
International Die Casting Congress & Exposition
NADCA’s Die Casting Congress & Exposition is presented approximately every three years, and includes the world’s largest exposition of die casting technology in North America. Attendees have the opportunity to spend three days working through the exposition floor with plenty of time to meet and greet all the top vendors in the industry. Technical presentations on emerging technology and research are offered through the congress sessions. After each presentation, attendees can participate in Q&A segments. NADCA also offers mixer events and its award luncheon to provide further interaction with peers and highlight those that make a difference in the industry. On “off” years, NADCA holds its Die Casting Congress & Tabletop, which offers all of the programs as its International Die Casting Congress & Exposition, but with a smaller footprint for the exposition.
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