Chapter 5 - Chicago

Board of Governors Representatives:

Full NameCompany
Don DulkoskiAllied Metal Company
Troy TurnbullIndustrial Innovations Inc.
Daniel L. TwarogRCM Industries Inc. - Corporate Headquarters

Chapter Leadership:

Full NamePosition
Don DulkoskiChapter Chairman
Don DulkoskiChapter Treasurer
Angela CoxChapter Program Chairman
Michael J. GilfordChapter Trustee
Don DulkoskiChapter Trustee
Ryan T. KlockowskiChapter Social Chairman

Chapter 5 Website .

As the sole organized volunteer group exclusively representing the die casting industry in a specific geographic region, the NADCA Chapters exclusive purpose for existing is to advance, through education and the dissemination of the information, the following aspects of the industry – management, engineering and production. 

The Chapters will regionally deliver this through various types of scheduled meetings and educational events.  They will be the front-line liaisons with not only with the die casting industry in the area, but with educational institutions, OEMs, and competing manufacturing processes.

Currently NADCA has 12 Chapters across North America serving the local industry.